Tuesday, June 4, 2013

LeadStreetSam Webinars Coming to an End . . .

. . . at least for now . . . and in their present form!

For several years now, I've traveled the country -- including the State of Texas -- and helped RE/MAX agents everywhere reap the benefits of using the World-Class LeadStreet System.  And, I've held regular weekly webinars for many agents across the country, designed to keep them on task with developing strategies to grow their businesses using this marvelous system.

But after a completely rude encounter with a crazy woman in Michigan, I've decided to end these webinars for a while.  (Actually, it's not "just" because of her, but she pushed me to make a decision that was long-coming.)

LeadStreet -- while amazingly beneficial -- is not easy to learn or use; consequently,  many agents simply don't do it.  Those who do use it, however, have seen their businesses grow exponentially . . . just ask Jennifer King in Reading, PA!  Or Rod Castaneda or Dani Decker, both with RE/MAX Top Realty . . . or Carl Bishop in San Antonio . . .  and the many, many others who "get it."

I have been promising and spewing about a really high-level system that I use (which I dubbed "LeadStreet Elite") for some time now, but have never introduced it.  Maybe in the future I'll share these strategies with some advanced users???

Meanwhile, if you want LeadStreet training, it is still offered by RE/MAX of Texas and by RE/MAX LLC on Mainstreet.  This week -- Wednesday and Thursday -- will be the last two sessions of "SEO Page Building Boot Camp" and "Online Lead Conversion Strategies."  Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

For those at RE/MAX Top Realty, our DAMB Program has been revamped, and will be introduced next week which will include some basic and advanced training on LeadStreet strategies by myself, Sandra, and Jose, in addition to what you can get from RE/MAX.  (By the way, DAMB is an acronym for our World-class Agent Development System --  Develop + Act + Measure = BOOM!)

For the rest of you . . . best wishes in your chosen career and on your LeadStreet journey!  I've appreciated the opportunity to work with so many wonderful people!

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