It isn't about "time management," after all, we ALL have the same 24 hours in a day. How can you manage that? You cannot. You can, however, manage what you DO with your time. And this seems to be a key component of super-agents.
The hard truth is that average agents are "spontaneous and reactive," meaning if someone calls them or if something falls in their lap, they jump away from their Facebook and emails (i.e., their "distractions") and react to the outside stimulus. In fact, many are downright competent when this happens! These competent, though low-producing agents, are the hardest to help understand what it would take to move them to high-productivity.
Are you ready for "the answer?" It is about moving from being "spontaneous and reactive" to becoming "intentional and proactive." My favorite way of explaining this is to simply say, "move from waiting for the phone to ring to making it ring." This requires the agent to focus on the activities that make the phone ring. All day. Every day they work in the business. Somehow, this is the secret to the pathway to super-success.
SPAR: Study - Practice - Act - Repeat
There's the formula. But as an analogy, take a look at "losing weight." Eat <1500 calories daily of lean meat, green vegetables, and salads (sans dressing). This is a good formula to lose weight. But we all know it, and continue to reach for the ice cream.
The best way to lose weight that I've found is to get on a program like Weight Watchers. So, the best way to move from being "spontaneous and reactive" to "intentional and proactive" is to get on a program that helps you focus on the desired results, one day at a time.

I know that the most successful agents in the business -- I work with many of them -- have a written system with a daily plan that is executed religiously. Do you? At the end of our new PROJECT: NIKE, you will.
If you really, really, really want to succeed as a real estate agent, you must check it out. Space is extremely limited, and at the time of this writing, 2 spots are open. Interested? Call Timothy Hampson at 713-558-2555 today. It's all about YOU.
RE/MAX Top Realty is one of the largest RE/MAX offices in Texas and is home of, a complete agent development program based online, in-class, and developed by top producers for those who aspire to the top.
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